My Practice


I strongly believe in the importance of the process of thinking about starting therapy and finding a therapist who you can feel comfortable with. It is therefore my practice to meet with you initially at least twice before making a decision as to whether to proceed to allow time to think together about what you are looking for and needing.  This is a time for you to think about whether you want to work with me without having to make any prior commitment and should we decide that I am not suitable for you, for whatever reason, I am happy to refer or signpost you to someone I may feel more appropriate. 

I offer both short term and longer/open-ended  therapy.  I am also able to offer more intensive therapy if you are interested in meeting more frequently than once a week. 

Cancellation and Missed Sessions

Missed sessions are expected to be paid for.  I will, if possible, try and offer an alternative session time but this may not always possible. 

To find out more about my practice or to discuss setting up a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me.


phone: 07980913121